Thursday, November 13, 2008

Fashion emergency

Arghhhh! Someone'd better come along with me to do some serious shopping this weekend 'cause I hate coming back home empty handed!!! Seriously, make me some room during your weekend because I can't seem to find anything by myself, everything is too expensive and too blah!! What's going on?? And it's not even that I fell in love with something I can't afford. I just don't like a thing, period! Where is the style?????

Arghhhh! Más vale que alguna me acompañe este finde a comprar ropa porque estoy harta de volver a casa con las manos vacías!!! En serio, alguna se hace un ratito durante el fin de semana porque yo sola no encuentro nada, todo está muy caro y es re "blah"!! Qué pasa?? Y ni siquiera es que me enamoré de algo muy caro, directamente no me guusta nada! Dónde está la ropa con onda????

(I'm loving this look by stylist Caroline Sieber on Jak & Jil Blog


Anonymous said...

No me digas eso que yo estoy esperando a ir a Argentina para comprar compulsivamente todo tipo de indumentaria!!
Juli Pater

Susanita said...

im in for a saturday afternoon shopping spreeee!!!!!!!
gimme a call and we get together! (willing to go to unicenter??)

Petits détails said...

I'm in!! I'm willinf to go anywhere that has anything WEARABLE!!!