Thursday, July 30, 2009


I have this terrible addiction... and I'm not talking about chocolate, nor Paris, shoes or travelling. This is an addiction I can't quite seem to manage (much like chocolate).

The thing is, even if by chance I do happen to hear the 5th alarm go off on time, I always seem to take longer and longer to get ready every morning, and I wind up being unnecessarily late. Don't ask me why, it just happens that way. And "oh, I'm late again" and I hail a taxi on my way out.

Every freakin' morning by now...

And of course it's ridiculous! And I'm totally cheap on other things, but a taxi is never money wasted. There's something in being driven to work, having all that back seat space to yourself. Not having to push your way around a  busy train station. Not holding onto your purse like a life vest, riding with the train's doors one centimetre from your  face.... I know it's ridiculous, and it needs to stop now!!

Still... there's nothing like a good conversation with a nice taxi driver!

Taxi #1: Jake&Sam
Taxi #2: Silvia.R
Taxi #3: michaelsdonovan

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