Monday, April 27, 2009

Anette is leaving

She carries a lot of suitcases
but all of them are empty
because she's expecting to completely fill them
with life by the end of this trip
and then she'll come home and sort everything out
and do it all again
- Story people

I saw the photo above with it's text and all and I thought it was perfect to farewell Anette, who's just about to get on a plane and fly off to the land of the Big Ben to fulfill her dream of getting out there and see what happens, and travel, and have the time of her life!

Anette, we're terribly happy for you!! You shall be missed, though, so you'd better send many many many photos from London!!

Photo and text from mainemomma2007

1 comment:

Anette from Bernal but in UK said...

Greetings from London! For sure I am having a great time although I miss my boy really much. And belive me I'm expectant to see the blogger Flower in Europe by august. Bye bye my dear, take care.