Monday, March 2, 2009

March (un)resolution...

Argh! What a night!! For the first time in like forever I managed to go to bed before 1am, in a plan to start March more organised, finally getting up at the time I'm supposed to, arriving at the train station on time and never again taking a cab to come to work. My plan was going along fine, until I woke up in the middle of the night due to one of the hardest thunder storms I'd seen in ages.

At 2.26 the skies were falling, I quickly closed the window (I can't sleep with the shutters closed) and all I could see from my pillow was the lightning stiking every five seconds or less and buckets of rain pouring against my window. I do like sleeping through a storm, but this was way bigger than anything we'd gotten lately. I eventually fell back asleep, but I slept like crap and had the weirdest series of dreams I'd rather not name.

By the time I woke up (rather late) I really meant to not take a taxi. I really did, only to turn on the news and find out the train was down, the main accesses from home were blocked by gigantic tree branches and I took the longest taxi drive ever... so much for my March resolution...

Black clouds by Jemal Y.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trust me, there's no point in searching for answers to such nice events... Just thank Murphy for his (in)famous law ;)
Te quiero amiga!!