Friday, October 24, 2008

The princess and the pea

I have always thought that the Princess and the pea tale by Hans Christian Andersen was a bit weird, and I've been torn between two thoughts even as I was really little. On one side... how much of a snob must this princess have been to notice the little pea placed by the queen under several layers of mattresses??

So when I came accross this Motorolla ad on Vogue España I just burst out laughing. The phrase says "If you have noticed the pea, we have something for you". And there's an actual (plastic) pea stuck to the magazine!!!!!!!

Siempre me pareció que la historia de La princesa y el guisante, de Hans Christian Andersen era un poco rara, y desde re chiquita estuve dividida entre dos posturas. Por un lado... qué tan snob tenía que ser esta princesa como para no darse cuenta del mini poroto que la reina le puso abajo de todos esos colchones??

Así que cuando encontré esta publicidad de Motorolla en la Vogue España me mató de risa! La frase dice "Si has notado el guisante, tenemos algo para tí". Y hay una arveja (de plástico) pegada en la revista!!!!!

On the other hand... a bed full of mattresses????? I could totally dig that!!

Por otro lado... una cama con una pila de colchones????? Yo quiero!!

Totally adorable Principessa bed by Doshi Levien, via Minor Details.

1 comment:

Mary Loneliness said...

I`ve also used to find this story totally amazing... and though of the same stupid thing of why she didn`t realized of the pea...